February 10, 2010

is it just me??

At one point in my life I was in pretty good cardiovascular shape and I really enjoyed running. I loved the high that I got from it. You can refer to my friend Brooke's post on why running is so wonderful.
As of right now, Lily and I are registering to do the Run for Red in March.  
Right now I have been in "training" haha. How pathetic is that. I have to train for 3.2 miles.... yikes. But as of right now I am completing the full distance in about 26-27 minutes and to be honest, it sucks. My shins hurt and my lungs burn. PATHETIC. So the goal: Complete in 00:24:30. Now for some reason, that first mile is KILLER. It is awful!  But once I hit that mark, i am good for quite a while. Is it just me?!  Why is 1 mile so difficult but 3 totally ok!?  Thanks to the wonderful trainers at Gold's, the lifting is coming along and I am getting back in shape slowly but surely. I will be ready to do a triathlon by the summer. I promise. 
In effort to be as dedicated to this new lifestyle as possible: as of 02/06/2010: I have CUT OUT SUGAR. wowwwww.  I am a huge candy/sweets addict. I never was before Baby, but ever since, I have not been able to stop. And it goes straight to my butt. However, now that I am running again, I will have my runner's butt back and I will not need the sugar high because I will get that from the endorphins. "exercise gives you endorphins. Endoprhins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't." 


Sarah Moeck said...

I am the same way! The first mile of any run for me I have to say over and over- you can do it, you can do it! But once I get past the first, I get into this sort of groove, and I can run the rest with hardly any complaint. SO no... its not just you :) And don't feel bad about training- I have to kick my butt in gear for the Rex Lee Run in March. Getting me out of doors to run for practice in the cold is KILLER!

brooketolman said...

I feel so honored to have my blog linked to in your post!! I should get your lifting workout from you, I want to start but I have no idea where to start. I need to get back into shape. I've been dying to do a triathlon, i just don't think i could make hte swimming part!