once upon a time i went to the gym. when i arrived, i fell right into my routine. shot the breeze with the guys at the desk, nodded to a few of the regulars (they usually just wink back because their necks are too big for them to nod) and then straight into the cardio cinema i went. i have used the same treadmill 4-6 days a week for the past 3 years (can you tell that i am a routine person- though i am far from a talented runner). i hopped on and went to work. i started to jog and my playlist took off. i know that when i hear coheed and cambria that it is go time or i won't make it more than a mile. i looked at the girl next to me and she was just starting to run as well. will smith, being the total bamf that he is, once said (to be accurate i should note that i did not know this quote until i told someone else about this story),
"i am not afraid to die on a treadmill...if we get on a treadmill together, you are going to get off first or i am going to die."
extreme? maybe a little. but he's will smith. and competition is competition. who cares if you know the person or if there is anything at stake but your pride. and who am i kidding...pride is the most valuable prize of all.
but, i digress.
so. this chick gets on the treadmill next to me. when i glanced over at her, it was clear that she was at least 3 times my size and by that, i really mean that she was biggest loser material (i know that sounds mean, i only said it for visual purposes and just you wait). stupid beckie thinks, "ha. whatever this girl can run, i can run."
i maintained my current pace (which was faster than hers but figured it wouldn't matter) and i was absolutely determined to run as long as her. how hard could it be?
FIFTY TWO. FIVE ZERO TWO. 5x10+2 minutes later- she stopped to walk. she sipped some water, walked for 5 minutes and was glowing.
are you freaking kidding me???
i stumbled off (more like slid off with all the sweat that was raining off of my body) my treadmill, looked at her and just stared. she looked at me and i just high fived her and walked away (and by walk i mean i gumby style limped).
moral of the lesson: size doesn't matter. and the pride police are always ready to put me in my place.
the next morning i ate 4 doughnuts and i felt like a champ.
and that, my dear friends, is what we call a beckie's blunder.
and that, my dear friends, is what we call a beckie's blunder.
that is impressive. wow.
and. not to be a debbie downer, but wouldnt "five zero two" equal out to 502?
and this was hilarious!!! It's like when you are running in a race and you past an old person thinking "sucker!" and then 10 minutes later they pass you...
But I totally with you on the competition thing. When I run next to someone on the treadmill I WILL outlast them or die.
freaking cayla.
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