May 9, 2011

under her wing.

i hang out with same 5 boys every single day. it is grand. all of these boys mention their mothers. so much so, that the phrase "under mother's wing" has become as much of a commonality as "i hate the lakers" (and we say that a lot). what can i say, we just love our moms.

did you know that a stay at home mom's tasks have a monetary value of over $140,000.00 A YEAR?!?! she is on call 24/7 for the rest of her family's lives (stops at 18?? please...we are all 25...). the typical mom,
*detangles hair and getsthe gum out in the earlier years
*chauffeurs (school, seminary, sports, mutual, hangouts, mall trips, rides when you just need to talk)
*reads books after dinner
*kills bugs
*disciplines (and manages to withhold from punching her kids when they are driving her crazy)
*launders (can only imagine the kind of stains a mom sees in her lifetime)
*plays santa, easter bunny, st. nick, tooth fairy, leprechaun, cupid, etc
*sings lullaby's 
*sews buttons (patches, jeans, dresses, and everything else)
*pulls out ticks (ah the lovely tick routine, thank you missouri)
*grocery shops
*house breaks
and if you are nancy, you do all of this AND manage to:

*have a million church callings at a stake level.
*play sports (real or made up)
*sew dress up clothes
*braid, curl, die, perm (it was the 90's) hair
*teach your daughters to cook
*print off lyrics of songs for your kids so they can sing the titanic song over and over again
*be the "cool mom" at girl's camp
*be a nurse
*record all your kids' favorite tv shows (this was back with the vcr thing...)
*wash your kid's mouth out with soap when you swear
*go on missions
*stay up all night reading legal documents to my dad
*do genealogy
*text "LOL", facebook, skype, gchat, email, and blog
*be the best Nana in the world
*go to the temple
*hike pikes peak
*keep a journal
*teach your kids to love the beatles
*read books
*date your husband
*insist on family dinner every night, no matter work, school, sport or social schedules
*remember everything that each child will and will not eat
*perform countless acts of service for others
*be a personal assistant 
*alter your prom dresses to be modest
* admit when she is wrong

and one of the most important characteristics and jobs that my mother has down: she loves her heavenly father and serves Him in everything way. she puts her family first. almost any good choice that i make, i have to credit to my mama. not because she has ever forced me to be a certain way. throughout the years, she has really come to terms that i am a different kind of girl. that i am much more boyish and abrasive than my sisters, that i am much more sensitive on certain subjects than necessary, that i am fickle and sometimes irresponsible. but she has taught me well and loved me the best that she can. her life has shown me the way to true, everlasting joy.  


Mily said...

Yep, mom is great!

The Strawdermans! said...

Awwww....thanks Beck! I am grateful every single day that I am able to be mom to the best 3 kids on the planet. I couldn't help but smile though...I assumed the made up sports included potato bowling, sock baseball, etc?? :) And ewww...the ticks! Nasty. The only thing bad about Missouri.

Hillary said...

Mom is pretty dang awesome.