i managed to stop turning the pages of my book for a little bit (but of course i am that nerd that brings it with me everywhere i go, i just never know when i will get bored.) and enjoy the past couple days of my "vacation". and by vacation i simply mean that i am not in classes for this spring term. the summer season has begun and work is piling up. but all is well.
yesterday was kyle's birthday. we took the typical provo route and went to dinner (oh, and to all you vegetarians out there...do not go to a steakhouse and ask what their vegetarian options are. because even if you do so as nicely as possible, they will not like you and your options are lettuce or empty carbs. nice.).
it was a grand time of wardie bonding and birthday boy love. i just love kyle hemming. and his mama. he is the best neighbor and such a wonderful friend. he can make make me laugh myself into a stitch and de-stress my life with a late night parlay and earth fruits run. and mama hemming sends us treats. does not get much better.
it then turned into a sport filled evening, beginning with a game of some hardcore hoops,
and then the first intramural kickball game for the kicking kittens (i thought that ball busters would be a better team name...but byu did not agree).
byu intramurals are amongst some of the most ferocious competition (i am serious... something about that championship t shirt...god is not on those fields, byu or not) that i have ever participated in. even though this is an elementary game, i am prepared for things to get brutal. not that i am competitive or anything.
today was in the seventies and perfect. just perfect. birdies singing, flowers blooming, not a cloud in the sky.
what's a girl to do with a free afternoon and a day like this?? load on the spf, grab a a buddy and take off for the mountains.
ang and i have resolved to do this every week. she is one of my best and only girlfriends, and though stolen away to matrimony, she makes a pretty valiant effort at spending time with me. but Z is great, so he could come too and we would have just as much fun.
i will admit...i was a little nervous about this hike. ang texted me and said "let's leave at 3. and bring your headlamp." ummm...it doesn't get dark until after 8pm now... but ok. safety first. suffice it to say that we have had some really interesting hiking adventures that involve off roading, free climbing, ending up in different cities...but it is all part of the adventure.
upon returning home i realized that i was quite starving and i really really really really really wanted some avocados. i figured that i would take advantage of the nice weather and just walk to the grocery store...well i pushed my luck. they were fresh out of the green goodness i was craving. i was stuck with carrots. good thing i love carrots, huh?
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