May 25, 2011

so thrifty.

i drink herbal tea like it is going out of style. i  have a strong affinity for its taste and health benefits. it tastes good, is fairly inexpensive and practically no sugar. so i don't have to be constantly worried about my teeth rotting or drinking my daily calorie allowance. oh and the brand that i drink... organic, packaging made from recycled paper and wind power. and bonus- the tea bag tags all have a little bit of yogi wellness advice. excellent. i have been hunting for this:
for months. literally months. i wanted a mug, not a travel thermos (i hate stainless steel fingerprints and smudgeies) and one with a lid so that i could keep my tea bag in there (i like to let it seep forever to gain stronger flavor) and so i would not spill because i tend to walk around a lot with my mugs. there is a newer version that i just didn't like as much. but they don't make this mug anymore. i tried amazon, ebay, everything that i could think of. i guess that it is just that great because you cannot find it. JUST last night, literally, i was telling someone how frustrated i was because i just wanted this damn mug and was about to give up and just get the newer model anyway.
well what do you think that beckie found at DI today for $.75. that's right. the exact mug pictured above. i was so excited and hung onto it for dear life will i searched the books. seventy five cents! i could find that in my couch. the church is true. i am pretty sure that my tea tasted even better tonight. or my taste buds were just coated in elation. either way, i was really excited. and i am telling you, this mug is spectacular. perfect, cute, comfy (amazing handle with bumpy finger things) and mess proof.  it is going everywhere with me.
oh and i found a ton of books. including one that arthur had just finished reading. i called him while on my book hunt and said,
"i found the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. it is a dollar. should i get it?"
he replied "it is really good, you will love it. buy it. well unless you want to borrow mine...but i  know how much you love to own your own books..."
book shopping phone calls are normal for us. we aren't almost lovers for nothing, he knows me so well.

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