May 23, 2011

speaking of marriage...

i know...two posts in one day- annoying. apologies for clogging your reader. but, while i am feeling ridiculous enough to admit that i love looking at wedding blogs, i might as well show you this:

i found my perfect man's closet.
1. so tidy. i bet that he has shirts with french cuffs and wide collars.
2. books. good books. and if he stores them in here, there must be tons more around the house...
3. only one personal picture. probably with his mom.
4. 2 bottles of cologne. no need to overdo it.
5. boat shoes.
6. cool luggage.
7. color and material coordinated. (not that i have ocd and am drawn to it in others)
8. i am guessing that there is a vinyl record player in there somewhere. and a jar with coins.
9. wood hangers. he clearly appreciates quality in the little things.
***and because he is perfect, i am sure that he has another closet where he stores his tennis racquet, golf clubs, yoga mat and running shoes. and maybe some kites. and camping gear. and power tools.

oh and i also found our future son.
 this is what wedding blog addiction does. detrimental to my tough exterior. but that kid is so darn cute. just give me and "man with perfect closet" 5-10 years. those coats will be always be cool. and our kid will be quite the chap. trust me.

ps. both photos were borrowed from blakey blake's bloggy. the man has impeccable taste.

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