May 27, 2011

skypey skype.

sometimes i video chat. rarely. but when i have the time, really miss the person and my internet decides to be stoic enough for it, i give it a go.
last night my wi-fi decided to cooperate (of course it was when neither of my sisters or parents were available to skype).  a and i were cyberly catching up on life. he is a clever one. and as if our little sessions are not entertaining enough, he thought that it would be really funny to be taking random pictures of me while we were chatting (i am a very amateur video chatter...i did not even know that could be done!) they were actually quite funny...
"why hello..." it at all starts out fairly normal....

"yeah honey,...that's a really cool scab...what were you doing in the tree again??"

what do ya know, adam totally farted. my facial expression is a bit exaggerated because those of us that know him, know that this is nothing shocking.
and this is why we are such good friends, for life.
god bless his future wife.

next time i will have to be sure to do the sneak attack on pics of him. cross your fingers that mama and daddy and i will get to have a chatski soon. i miss you guys. a lot.

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