September 1, 2010

going to the farm and she's gonna get married...

(PS: 90% of the following pictures are of me...yes, it was her day but these are the only pics that I have access to until the photographer releases the rest.)

Goodness gracious, she is pretty. My best roomie/friend/adventure buddy is now married (and yes I had been crying because I was so happy for her and bitter that I no longer have any claims on her.). August 27th at Wadley Farms, Ang and Z sealed the deal.

They are adorable and happy and perfect together. The wedding was beautiful. The rain stopped just in time and the ceremony was lovely. Once it got going, everything went completely flawlessly. Well except for my random bursts of emotions.  Luckily I had this guy to keep me under control (and contrary to the beliefs of the wedding guests, he is not my husband, but thanks everyone for being so shocked that I could snag one. And I will openly admit that I bribed him to take me).

He was really happy about being there.... 
 Can't you tell??
Well, I thought that we had a great time. And he is cuter and sweeter in person, I promise (it is just extremely exhausting to put up with me and we were really really hungry).
It was an intimate group of loving people there to support the amazing couple. I am so happy that they have been in my life and that I was able to be there with them on their special day (i wish that the picture was bigger. You could see just how happy they look/sick of smiling they were and all the ADORABLE little kids).
It is weird that they are actually married now, because to me they have been married this whole time. But as you can tell from our facial expressions above- they get to do the naughty now (Coach's toast was hilarious and shocking....) so I guess that they are married for really now. I went to the bridal shower, don't worry, Ang received plenty of cute little things to keep that flame alive. 

Did I mention that she lives across the street? Like a block away?  It is awesome. Sure we have been playing phone/text tag and doorbell ditching since school started, but I have a feeling that she will not be one of those friends that I never see again now that she is married (ahheeemmmm Dacia).

I have a great new roommate, she is no Ang (but she is the same age and also foreign), but we have been having a lot of fun together. So for now it is more classes, yoga, running (I was tempted to give it up, but it has not happened yet) and being happy. I have realized that I am just really good at being happy! 

1 comment:

angie said...

Becks this was just so sweet of you! And I promise we must hang out sooonnnnnnn!!!! How about a frozen yogurt,,, on me! hehe. Miss ya stax and thanks for the lovely post.