July 27, 2010

What do I do when...

my life feels like it is a complete mess and in total shambles??

lots of stuff.

I run a lot. Well, I do not know if you would call it running...I am pretty sure that I have seen snails, and their babies, pass me. 
Um, i really really want these for my next pair. When I can average the 8 minute mile the entire time, I will get them as my personal reward. And to sooth my shins which will probably be broken.
they say that you cannot get as MANY miles out of a pair but that you will get GREAT miles... quality over quantity- esp when they are so much cheaper than my Mizunos.
I pray a lot. Heavenly Father and I are such good friends. Jesus and me are real peas in a pod. And that is not blasphemous.... I mean, who else completely understands what I go through and feel??  People disappoint you, I disappoint people, baby gets older, smarter and more amazing everyday with or without me there,  Sally the civic rebels, boy and I break up, the world loses all morals, etc....
So what else do I do? I call mama and cry a lot too. She tends to knock sense into me and love me anyway.
Thankfully, the parents are coming in two weeks!  They will be going through the temple with me- for my first time (THROUGH the temple...yes, I got my big girl recommend)- on August 10th. I am extremely excited. And PS: to some particular meanies out there- no I am not doing it because I "have given up on the chances of getting married". thank you very much (yes MANY people have actually asked me that. barf).

A temple is a temple...but I had NO intention of going through Provo...I guess that things just work out the way they should! Mama and Dad- welcome to Provo. The "cesspool of sin".

I have been asked on a lot of dates and I have been going- miracle. (why I am being asked? Logical question. I have come to the conclusion that every summer , Provo must taint the pipes in the men's housing with DESPERATION..and they come knocking on my door, it really isn't any of my doing)  Soccer games, movies, hikes, picnics, comedy clubs, dinner, etc. They have been pretty fun.

I saw this one twice- midnight premiere and the very next night. It was fab and I think that seeing it twice helped me love it even more.

J and me at the midnight premiere. I was getting quite sleepyyyy.
I have been playing with sister, applying for jobs, reading like a madwoman, cleaning my house, organizing everything that could possibly be organized, hiking, playing tennis, making new friends, weight training, eating, midnight adventures, snuggling, cooking, serving, listening, talking, sewing, swimming.... like I said, lots of stuff.
This is the top part of my bookshelf...I need more space. And I guess that I have not organized EVERYTHING....
Sometimes too much time on my hands (such as unemployed and waiting for school to start) makes me a bit neurotic. I need my brain to stop. Then maybe my body will stop. And then maybe I will destress. And then maybe the gray hairs will stop. And maybe I will be able to relax.  
I have become quite obsessed with becoming a yogi. I have been reading a lot of books about the eastern cultures, where it all began. I love the theories and the overall goal of inner peace. I love that it teaches you to truly block out negative thinking, stress and distractions from your surroundings. I have always been flexible, so the poses come rather naturally. The meditation (and lingo and ujjayi breathing) is a whole different challenge for me.  I have yet to determine what my true Mantra is, but I will know it when I find it. 

Luckily for me, I have a great family, amazing friends, mountains to be running in, a milky way to sleep under, the love of my Heavenly Father keeping me sane and lots of goals to accomplish in the near future to keep me alert.

Things could DEFINITELY be worse.



Olivia said...

you are super cute. you do have a lot going on. and i'm pretty sure no messed with the pipes and added a bit of desperation, hahaha! helloooo, sheeze, you're gorgeous, funny, fit and smart. what guy wouldn't ask you out?

i love your brain. blog on.

KJA said...

you are amazing! I think it's great that you are going to the temple.

Christy Lee Austin said...

That is so cool you are going throughout the temple I am too! And ya people have been weird about to me too. I tink people assume we have given up but I guess let them think that right! Congrats though I am happy for you!