April 20, 2010

eavesdropping at the gym... (it's a bit of a rant)

and this is why girls get a bad rap.
I was panting, my shirt was no longer a light pink, it was practically magenta with perspiration (more likely because it was hotter than Hades in there and I am out of shape, not because I am hardcore) and I was waiting in line to get a drink at the gym. While waiting, I listened to some whiney girls talking to each other in front of me. Their conversation went as follows:
girl 1: let's go work out, we can like ride the elliptical or something, that's hard.
girl 2: ew, I don't want to get sweaty!
girl 1: well why are you here?
girl 2 (in hushed tones and look of shame): because I ate a doughnut at work today...
girl 1: oh... well maybe you should run?
girl 2: but I just said I don't want to get sweaty! I will ruin my makeup and I just washed my hair!
girl 1: ok, well let's walk on the treadmill, talk that guy over there (points to the guy lifting dumbells the size of my whole body) and go get Jamba.
I was rolling my eyes so hard I almost got a migraine. You have no idea just how accurate that was... minus the stupid looks on their faces.
1. why were they wearing makeup in the first place? and who takes a shower right before they go work out?  (well I guess she wasn't really going to...)
2. why would you want to go talk to the guy that makes ridiculous, orgasmic like sounds and thinks that it's cool to wear Ed Hardy to the gym?? (or EH at all...)
3. why do these girls go to the gym at all, making the rest of us who try, look bad and wasting space and stealing my treadmills?!  (ok so that's why I am really mad...)
4. and A DOUGHNUT?! Are you freaking kidding me?  Someone call J.Craig!  We've got a fatty! (and everyone knows that a Jamba smoothie has a bagillion calories anyway. But what a good friend, telling her to run off all those fat calories...I mean, she could have told her to just throw up.)

and lastly, did I mention that these girls were barely 120 lbs?  Most of which was on their faces in makeup. 
ok, this was a bit melodramatic and judgmental. But I am frustrated. I find the greater population of my sex so ridiculous.  I suppose this would explain why I have so few female friends...


brooketolman said...
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brooketolman said...

HAHAHA sooo typical of girls here in Provo. I find it totally hilarious.

~*Heather*~ said...

HAHAHA! I TOTALLY agree!! It's ridiculous!!! Yeah...good luck with that. We should write a book - confessions of the gym. I've got some great stories overhead from the locker room!

Kati said...

i am with you beck. 100% and i dont have that many girl friends either! :)

Bags said...

Praise the Lord for people as wonderful as you. For real. Also, this post reminded me of one of my own.

KJA said...

hahaha - thanks for the laugh. I'm proud that you didn't actually say something to them because I probably would have - you are better than me.

Olivia said...

sounds like high school at the gym, ridiculous yet very entertaining, don't ya think?