March 15, 2010

seems like it was just yesterday...

and other times it feels as though it was a whole lifetime ago that Robbie Hintze escorted me to the Prom.
Here we are 7 years later. I still cannot serve as well as Anna Kournikova and we are still buddies and he is looking more handsome and curlier than ever :)

Dear Robbie:
Thank you for being my dog walking, star trekie, baseball watching, reptile loving (and all other things dorky and smart) friend. Let's make it through another 7 should be about finished with dental school by then!  Hope that you have a wonderful birthday because you are great and you deserve a day just for you :)

1 comment:

Rob said...

Beckie, that was so sweet of you. Thanks a lot. I am lucky to have you as a friend