March 9, 2010

i have cabin fever!

The Spring Equinox begins on Saturday, March 20th. I am so excited.
No really. I love spring.
For so many reasons (here comes a list, I am sure that ya'll are SO surprised...):

1. Warmth- I can walk everywhere and play in the canyon all day!
(playing in the sunshine with puppy last year)
2. Rain- I love to run in the rain when it is warm out. Smells amazing and feels so good!
(a spring storm in Ephraim Canyon, amazing.)
3. Flowers - pro and con- since moving to UT I have grown allergies (I don't really know if you grow them, but you know what i mean)
(I wish that UT had Flower Markets)
4.White shoes are allowed- officially.
(bust our your Sperry's!)
5. General Conference! (a bi annual blessing that I get so excited for... and thanks to out-of-state parents, I always get tickets to go)
6. Basketball. (Madness, Playoffs, Finals... abc, tnt and espn- thank you)
7. Spring Training of course (go Cardinals!)
(i wish i could go watch.)
8. Road Trip season (AZ here we come- next week!)
9. Green is my favorite color and suddenly everything is green again!  (at this particular season I do miss MO very much because everything is so lush and beautiful there) and I really miss this place:
10. Sally the Civic just runs better in the sunshine and warm weather- it makes her happy.
11. I run better....the sunshine and warm weather make me happy!
ohhhh and another great reason!
Time for plenty of this!!!!!
I have better form than this-and I am not that fat... i promise. "Low to high, elbow in, kiss your bicep" - Z.
Such a beautiful day. Look at Ang, serving like a pro.
They will have really really fast, Wimbledon children.

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