"Never before has there been a greater need for virtue and purity in the world. The value of virtue has been given a symbolic color, like the other values. The color of virtue is gold because gold is pure. It shines. It is soft, not harsh or brash. It is precious. Gold must be refined. As you live a pure and virtuous life, you will be refined by your life's experiences, and as you trust in the Lord and draw closer to Him, he will make your hearts as gold."
-Sister Elaine S. Dalton
I love this quote. This was an excerpt from her article in the May Ensign last year. She so tenderly explains the need for virtue and the rewarding consequences that will come from living a pure life. I also really like how she said that you will be "refined" by life's experiences. To me this indicates that some will have their flaws, seeing as how we are carnal. But through them and through the repentance process we can again become pure. Please do not think that I am implying that making mistakes or bad choices should be condoned for learning purposes, because this quote clearly explains that:
"Another error into which some transgressors fall, because of the availability of God's forgiveness, is the illusion that they are somehow stronger for having committed sin and then live through the period of repentance. This is simply not true. That man who resists temptation and lives without sin is far better off than the man who has fallen, no matter how repentant the latter may be. The reformed transgressor, it is true, may be more understating of one who falls into the same sin, and to that extend perhaps more helpful in the latter's regeneration. But his sin and repentance have certainly not made him stronger than the consistently righteous person. God will forgive- of that, we are sure. How satisfying it is to be cleansed from filthiness, but how much better it is to have never committed the sin!"
- President Spencer W. Kimball (thank you Bryce)
So while President Kimball makes a very important point (in his direct, harsh but much needed style), it is nice to know that the cleansing power and warmth of the Refiner's Fire is available to us when we need it the most.
Well said...I also appreciate the fact that during that 'refining', our flaws are seen more clearly (which can be painful sometimes), but our ability to overcome them is also 'refined'. Oh, the mercy of His plan! Thanks for posting this!
well, the comment above pretty much sums up my feelings completely!
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