August 13, 2009


Just a few things that I have been up to:

  • Cohabiting with the younger sister. Always a good time. Probably too much fun in most cases.
  • Arrested Development Marathons.
  • Being a hardcore APXer.
  • Reading.
  • Running while Hillary rides her scooter next to me and talks to me.
  • Visiting baby and going to the zoo with her!
  • Meeting Yulia!
  • Going to all 3 hours of church.
  • Dabbling in the idea of going to school again.
For your viewing pleasure:

Like I said, hardcore. HAHA. Josh did not believe me when I told him that I always look ridiculous in hats...this is what he got.

This was the first night hanging out with our adorable Yulia friend from Russia!

Haha, I LOVE this picture of baby. She has a "palm tree" on her head. When I was a baby, I had one on the very top of my head that my mom tried SO hard to get to go down, but it refused. To this day I have a nice little cowlick there...

1 comment:

Mily said...

Oh, she's growing up so fast! She's cute!