August 23, 2009

I WOULD be skinny...but...



These are pretty much impossible to ruin and are literally home baked. Frozen to fabulous without room to flub. Purely delish.


brooketolman said...

my mom bakes those in this ice-cream sauce and it carmelizes the bottoms of them and it's delicious!

Olivia said...

i'm also a victim to these delicious dinner rolls... i'm going to defrost mine now...

Jed said...

Alright, maybe you can get those rhodes rolls to work, but as of yet I have failed every single time! I can never get the things to rise! Glad that you can though.

Hillary said...

those are good! don't eat like six of them at the same sitting. that can make you sick. And no I did not eat six of them all at once. Just a few. I can't imagine eating six. ew.