November 17, 2011

some of my favorites.

ok, not the best picture, but she is one of the best kiddos ever.  that is anaya. or pie. or nya. or princess. or pretty. she has more names than sean diddy. she is getting to be so smart. she will be 4 years old in december and for the first time in a couple years, i will actually be able to be there to celebrate with the family. i am so excited. and why is she so great?  well just look at her.
she has fabulous style. she was about 2 years old when she got her pink crocs, look at those baby feet. so cute. i just wanna eat em. she also loves to wear everyone else's shoes. and she has recently received her first "pearl" necklace.
she has always been a great helper. 

 and she is just so darn tootin' cute.

 she is quite the chatty one as well. luckily for me, she is also extremely smart.  one of the most precocious little girls on the planet. most kids ask "why?" but she takes it so much further. she wants to know everything. "how big? how old? where are you? what does it smell like?", etc.  she hates to hang up the phone and whenever you do tell her you have to go, she gets so sad and makes you feel like the worst person in the world for ending a call. last night was a rough one and so i called emily and she let me talk to anaya.  jared and i sat in the family room listening to her and just laughing so hard at some of the things she was saying. she is such a girly girl. i didn't think that i would have as much with her as i do with her brother, but i was wrong. i am such a lucky aunt.

and here is my other favorite.
he is always so helpful. such a gentleman. honest and kind. and he tries lots of new things with me. he even helped me on craft night (he officially experienced the miracle of mod podge).
he loves detail. all the little things that make the difference. he pays meticulous attention to everything.  
and he has cool friends and great music taste. yes, they look a little weird...but they are cool. i promise.

 he is the best guy (dad aside) that i know. he takes such good care of me and makes me so happy. we have a lot of fun together. sometimes we laugh so hard other times we have the deepest conversations i have ever had. he is so smart and such a hard worker. like i said, last night was a doosie.  but we both had homework to do. so we went back to his apartment, he sat me down on the couch, grabbed a blanket and some cookies  and rubbed my feet. told me he loved me and brought his laptop over to do some smart finanacy stuff. perfect, right?

1 comment:

Mily said...

Naya is the coolest! And she's going to be 5, not 4. :) I think we need to induct Jared into the sock monkey making company.