November 15, 2011

i am generally against

participating in anything for christmas (besides shopping) until after thanksgiving. i was thrilled when i saw this:
but i have officially caved and given into the holiday treats. it started with a bag of 
but last night it escalated to
i wanted a mirror so that i could get ready for the day in my own room. sharing the bathroom with one outlet, limited space and cranky morning people is just no bueno. jared was so sweet and jetted us off to target to get a mirror. when we walked by the christmas tree cakes we both got so excited at the exact same time. they are so gross but so wonderful. we may have bought more than one box.
we are sort of obsessed with this too
archer farms blueberry granola with flax.  i have been trying to get j in the habit of eating breakfast. he is a stubborn little stinker sometimes but this seems to be helping. 
but i am still holding off on the christmas music. for those that choose to participate in the festivities early, i say go for it. if it makes you happier and treat the people around you better- how bad can it be?
just remember to be thankful first. i love thanksgiving. i love eating until i cannot eat anymore. i love the autumness and family get togetherness of it. this year i will be celebrating in vegas... i am skeptical as to how autumny it will feel without any trees... boooo.

1 comment:

The Strawdermans! said...

Yes, I am guilty of listening to Christmas music early - sometimes as early as July. Can't help it...:) But would definitely draw the line at those Little Debbie Christmas cakes...they look pretty though! :) Have to try the granola - yummy!