June 23, 2010

it was...

a practically perfect summer day (this occurred yesterday...and is how I plan on spending the rest of these next couple of months)

* wake up at 5:30 (that is a bit earlier than normal for me)
* run 2 miles (my calve has been killing me...this was actually difficult for me)
* get ready for work (best part of summer: i never get ready- except for church)
* go to work (that part is a boo, but money is nice)
* go straight to the pool, swim and play and read (I had no idea it was so nice to sit out at a pool and read)
* play tennis (beckie needs practice... J described 50% of my shots as "ugly")
* go to dinner with neighbors (taking two hours to eat Noodles and chat outside...perf.)
* go to yoga (it was spectacular. I felt so limber and strong)
* back to the pool for hot tub Tuesday (a billion people in a hot tub grosses me out.. so we swam instead)
* go for a late night drive and chat (I am so glad that my little J friend is back, I was like a little puppy waiting...)
* fall asleep brown, exhausted and fulfilled. 

please bless that these days can happen all summer. amen.


brooketolman said...

that does sound like the perfect summer day, i'm a little bit jealous

Genna said...

Yay I love that our dinner was part of your perfect day! And that I was part of the first trip to the pool as well. I'm feeling very special right now!!