April 21, 2010

fancy nancy.

ok, so she is not one much for fancy, but that is nancy. or in my world, my mama.
Yesterday was her birthday. Exact age would be rude to post (we are 30 years apart...you do the math). But based on looks, you wouldn't believe it. And based on her funness level, even younger.

She has her motherly side: the one that every girl needs when her heart is broken, her head confused and her life a mess. 
She has her overbearing side, the one that every girl needs but will tell you she can't stand, but is the only immediate saving grace when you are about to do something stupid. 
She has her fun side that takes you shopping, talks about cute boys, funny moments, cellulite and makeup. 
But she has her sensible side that will tell you those things are not important. 
She has her adventure side that goes to random countries and hikes everyday, including Pike's Peak. 
She has her grandma or "nana" side that the babies cannot get enough of. 
And above all, in more ways than I could ever articulate, she has her spiritual side that ties all of those important parts of her together to make her an excellent mother, friend and example to me.
She hates that picture of her, but I love it. 
Other cool things about my mama:
* She is a nurse, but has been a stay at home mom (so still a nurse if you think about it...) my whole life.
* She was a hippie. (she used to pretend to faint to the Beatles)
* She was a professional Roller Skater. (total bamf)
*She is better at YouTube than me.
*She texts, IMs, Facebooks, blogs, etc. Woman of the world. (in a good way)
* An excellent cook.
*She taught me how to ice skate.
*Her husband is pretty darn awesome. (aka, my dad...)
*she ALWAYS stands up for what she believes.
* She has great teeth (and never had braces).
* She is 5'3" like me.
*She pretty much knows everything.
and lots and lots of other cool things. Especially of a spritual nature, but that is pretty personal. So I will just say that my mama is the best and Heavenly Father knows it.
I am glad that she is back for now, at least until they jet set off on another mission. I love my mama, be jealous that she is mine!

This song is for my mama. I remember us listening to it together one day on the way to school and my mom started crying and telling me how this is how she felt when she was waiting for her her babies (me and my sisters) to be adopted. How she just waited and prayed for us to come to her and how much it changed her life. 


The Strawdermans! said...
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The Strawdermans! said...

thanks Beck....we think you are pretty special too!! love you!! and FYI, never a hippie - but did like the beatles....:)

KJA said...

agreed - your mom is the best!