My wonderful roommate and I kinda got screwed over when it comes to our living sitauation. Due to the fact that our 3rd roommate moved out and did not sell her contract...the utility bills are now split between just us two poor kids.
Our last gas bill was $76 outrageous dollars. I mean, what is money...who needs food, toilet paper... gas. Whatevs.
Basically we are trying to figure out what a good temp to keep the house at would be... and some other ideas so that we don't have to wear parkas all day but don't have to give up our first born to be comfortable. Any ideas???
We keep ours a 65 but our bill is still high...it's been so cold this year. i'm sure we could get away with like 62 or so and I would wear a sweater, but i"m already wearing sweaters at 65. Sorry about your roommate being a nasty and not selling her contract. Are you posting ads for a new roomie?
We keep ours at about 72. Our apartment complex is weird though because we all share with each other so if someone has it at a lower temp and it turns on it turns on in our apartment and we have to pay for it. My parents keep it at that temperature as well. Hope this helps.
Keep it lower at night when you can snuggle up in the blankets or when you are not there. For every degree that you lower it you will save 3% on your bill. - I love that you are a blogger - so am I.
67. During the day if the sun is shining (99% of the time here), we don't need it on at all...the passive solar heat warms up the house nicely. We turn it off at night. Unless it is about -50 outside nothing is going to freeze. The coldest it has ever been was 51 inside - but that was when it was about -15 outside at night. Good blanket is helpful. The hardest thing is being the first one up in the morning! Luckily, that is always dad!
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