January 21, 2010

Angela Wagnerrrr.

That is Ang and me, years ago. And to the right is her and Z.
 Just a little birthday shout out. I freaking love this girl. Oh and may it be known that I have been there since the BEGINNING of her and Z's perfected relationship. If any couple is doing the marriage thing right... (besides Will and Jada) it's those two. Not only are they such a great and realistic couple, they let me 3rd wheel it ALL the time. Ang is a go getter. She gets things done with fierce determination and style. I love our epic roommate chats, doing random stretches and exercises on the family room floor, sharing random facts and articles...and so much more. She is a fantastic roommate and even better friend, oh and do not bother racing her...you will lose.  Happy Birthday, Ang, you're a lucky man Z!!!


*Special thanks to Judy and Andre B. for having us all over for her birthday din din. It was fab as always and so much fun to be with The Couples. Oh and Ty, welcome to the family, everyone loves you too.


angie said...

Beckie... Sounds stupid if I now say you can make money off of your blog... But for real! You can!! You are an awesome writer and the best roomie... I am going to miss you!!

I agree.. welcome Ty!!! I mean Tyroni!! Thanks for your friendship!

You are the best! Oh I know one way you could make your blog better... Remove the stupid words you have to figure out and type into the little block in order to post.. Actually: can I write a blog about that on your wall. I mean you are squinting to try and read something that looks like a two year old wrote it - with their feet!!!!! Anyway.. I now have to fill in diesse.. or is it piesse or maybe deesse???? who knows!!! But luckily it will give me a new IMPOSSIBLE word.. when I screw up! Its not like you get to retake the test! They just mess you up even more the second time! At least my Man agrees with me on this! Number 1 Reason why I cant wait to marry him! See you later tonight! Yes.. THANK YOU judy!!!! Your fam is the best!

Ty Roney said...

Thank you for welcoming me to the family! I feel so loved!