I have officially hit quarter life. I don't feel the need to live to be 100 years old, so I am shooting for 96. I like that number. This was probably one of the best birthdays that I have had in quite some time, maybe because I was feeling selfish and it was more like a birthweek of celebration with friends and family.

On Wednesday I went to a concert with Josh. The concert was a bit more hard core than I am used to and I experienced real live mosh pits for the first time. You should see the looks on their faces, they brace themselves and can't wait to experience and inflict excruciating pain. The bands were actually really talented. I am pretty sure that I saw the most ferocious female on the face of this planet and wow, she can really sing.

For my actual birthday, I spent it at the temple with Hillary and then we had a little Cafe Rio. As if that wasn't perfect enough already, When I got home, I had a Jake Ryan moment (one of the ONLY romantical fantasies I have ever had) and I then went to the Jazz game with Scott. We sat 6th row. It was amazing. during the 4th quarter when the fairweather fans began to leave, we went and sat in the row right behind the courtside seats. I could hear, see and smell everything. This was one of the best moments of my life!
Had a little Birthday Dinner with some friends. We went to Pantruca's. It is this little hole in the wall joint owned by the sweetest Chilean couple. The food was amazing and it was great to see my random friends and celebrate my birthday with them. Thank you Matty and Court for the perfect present! haha
The weekend was spent on a random road trip and a wonderful stake conference. It was an insanely busy week but I had the time of my life. I have been blessed with such wonderful friends and family. My niece and nephew sang to me, Hillary gave me the PERFECT gift (candy jar and The Hobbit), mama and dad gave me a beautiful scarf from their travels, Em made some more jewelry for me and my whole office signed a card and gave me a princess puzzle. But it really has so little to do with the presents. Just spending time with the people I love and knowing that they love and appreciate me, just for one day, felt really nice.
Oh PS: another thing that we did that weekend.... Rachael is an extremely talented chef. She has been kind/patient enough to attempt to guide me in the field. I LOVE pie... so on Sunday we attempted homemade apple pie, all from SCRATCH!! Take a guess which was her's and which was mine.

Now prior to that week of being engrossed in festivities, it was Rachael's birthday, her engagement (ahhh!), the RSL game, and Halloween! Things will be very different when school starts for me in the spring... my playtime will be drastically reduced and sorely missed. So I am just getting an overdose now!

Happy Birthday, Rachael!!

Cutest little bugs ever? I kinda think so. I totally support men in their love of duct tape after
making these costumes!

She was BamBam for Halloween. So cute! She stole her Cousin's bone... wait for it...

And she's off! Good girl.

A little free birthday dessert with Martin before the big win at the RSL game!
I can't really say that anything of vital importance or of any real significance happened in this last year. But upon reflection I have learned something very valuable. At this stage in life, my social circles are a bit elusive, they are ever changing (new jobs, schools, towns, marriages, wards, etc). I have always considered myself a good friend. I tend to fall off the face of the earth and disappear into BeckieLand every now and again, but for the most part, I've always tried to be a loyal and considerate friend. There have been many times when I have been taken advantage of because of my willingness to help and support others. But I made it an Executive Decision to not allow those instances to deter me. And the end result has been made very manifest in my life. I have wonderful friends. I may not see them all the time, may not talk to them all the time, may even ignore a text here and there... but when it comes down to it, the girls that I hang out with are like sisters to me, my guy friends are more than brothers and have been taking me on dates for 3 or more years! I am happy to say that working hard to be a good friend and sister pays off. The blessings I receive come tenfold. I love and appreciate the people in my life.
I am now 24 years old (37 in UT years), no where near marriage, just beginning a new major at a new university, still asking my parents for money, still playing until I pass out, still driving ol Sally, but I have never been happier.
Oh and another new hobby...maybe this happens as the years add up- (we were so proud, I had to share...)

good to get an update on your blog! I think that it is funny when you say you are off in "beckieland" hahah. lol.
Maybe we should get you a nice card table so you can have a convenient place to work on your puzzles and not have to move them! :) Sort of relaxing, except when the pieces don't fit right - but that is like life! So did you use the birthday money to get the frog?
B i LOVE puzzles! lets do some together!!!
Beckie, we are like the same person...i love pie. It's the only thing i use to celebrate, i had birthday pie for my birthday and when i get married some day in the distant future, forget wedding cake,i'm having wedding pie.
I didn't know you like puzzles! Sounds like you had a good birthday! I'm glad you had a lot of people to celebrate with. And I love your bug costumes!
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