(just thought that this was clever and cute)
First of all, I highly recommend this article:Modesty: A Timeless Principle For All
Today my co workers and I (All 7 of us are active LDS members) were having a really great discussion about the topic of women and modesty. The first portion of the discussion was just amongst us girls. Later the boys joined in and gave us their input. I was trying to explain to them why modesty is so important to me. Of all things, I think that a lot of people underestimate the consequences of obeying this standard, whether negative or positive; but modesty really is a gateway to so many other more serious decisions that we will make.
I clearly recall a discussion I had in my sophomore of college with a friend that was engaged and going to be sealed in the temple shortly. She was looking through my closet (I have always had an abnormally large amount of clothing...) and she turned and said to me "Oh my gosh! You are SO LUCKY! You have so many clothes and you won't even have to get rid of any of your them when you get married and wear garments!" And I just thought to myself...I guess that is a positive thing, but shouldn't that be how it is anyway? Another lesson always taught by my mama: if you can't wear garments with it, then it probably isn't appropriate anyway. Growing up, if I saw something that was immodest, like a mini skirt, or something revealing, it would never even occur to me to buy it. The thought of going to prom or any dances in a sleeveless dress was not even an option; not because I was not allowed, but because I had been raised and taught to be modest. And I have always been complimented on my clothes and my style. Being modest doesn't mean bust out the burka, or you have to be frumpy, or out of style-- you can still be totally fashionable and flatter your figure! (besides, girls...no one really wants to see your butt crack and your muffin tops, I mean really!)
During my freshman year of college, my friends and I had gone to AZ for Spring Break. We were staying at my grandma's and she had a pool there. In a moment of weakness and thoughtlessness, I borrowed a friend's bikini for a while and started wearing it to the pool. One day all of us girls were in our bikinis and my grandma (who is not LDS) said to me "now, I don't mind what you are wearing, you are all very cute girls, but aren't you all mormon? I did not think that you were supposed to wear such revealing swimming suits". Needless to say, I wanted to cry, die and wear a miu miu the rest of the vacation. I felt awful. Being converts and the only LDS members in their families, my parents had always tried to be very good examples of the church's teachings. And there I was, outwardly breaking one of the simplest of rules that is only there for my benefit.
As I have grown older and especially since I have dated more, I have definitely come to understand and appreciate the value of being modest. As I told my friends today, us women do not have the priesthood. But we have a HUGE responsibility to honor and respect it. Walking around half naked or in seductive outfits is not going to help that cause. It shows a disrespect towards ourselves and men. I wish that girls could understand just how big of a deal it really is. I will admit, things activities such as going to the gym, hiking, out to the beach, no I am not in sleeves and knee length shorts. Personally, I believe that there are particular clothes for such circumstances, but you should still be respectful. One of the most frustrating things is when a good guy will date a girl that always scantily clad. I know that I work hard to maintain a healthy body and sometimes I feel that I am at a disadvantage because I am not willing to reveal myself to attract men and I feel that I cannot compete with those girls. But when I asked Clarke, (the only unmarried one, yet the married men agreed wholeheartedly) what he thought when he saw a girl in a bikini or something immodest, he had the perfect response. He said "my first thought is, wow...that is a lot..of skin... but then I think, 'does this girl have no respect for herself at all?'". Of course boys are going to notice. It is a good thing that they notice a good looking body and are attracted to it. But the fact that her lack of standards outweighs the attraction to her bare physique is what matters. I was so proud of him. :)
I don't know. I am far from perfect and I would not be surprised if someone reads this and thinks that it is a bunch of bologna and me sitting on a high horse. But I just wanted to share my feelings on the subject. Thoughts??
Today my co workers and I (All 7 of us are active LDS members) were having a really great discussion about the topic of women and modesty. The first portion of the discussion was just amongst us girls. Later the boys joined in and gave us their input. I was trying to explain to them why modesty is so important to me. Of all things, I think that a lot of people underestimate the consequences of obeying this standard, whether negative or positive; but modesty really is a gateway to so many other more serious decisions that we will make.
I clearly recall a discussion I had in my sophomore of college with a friend that was engaged and going to be sealed in the temple shortly. She was looking through my closet (I have always had an abnormally large amount of clothing...) and she turned and said to me "Oh my gosh! You are SO LUCKY! You have so many clothes and you won't even have to get rid of any of your them when you get married and wear garments!" And I just thought to myself...I guess that is a positive thing, but shouldn't that be how it is anyway? Another lesson always taught by my mama: if you can't wear garments with it, then it probably isn't appropriate anyway. Growing up, if I saw something that was immodest, like a mini skirt, or something revealing, it would never even occur to me to buy it. The thought of going to prom or any dances in a sleeveless dress was not even an option; not because I was not allowed, but because I had been raised and taught to be modest. And I have always been complimented on my clothes and my style. Being modest doesn't mean bust out the burka, or you have to be frumpy, or out of style-- you can still be totally fashionable and flatter your figure! (besides, girls...no one really wants to see your butt crack and your muffin tops, I mean really!)
During my freshman year of college, my friends and I had gone to AZ for Spring Break. We were staying at my grandma's and she had a pool there. In a moment of weakness and thoughtlessness, I borrowed a friend's bikini for a while and started wearing it to the pool. One day all of us girls were in our bikinis and my grandma (who is not LDS) said to me "now, I don't mind what you are wearing, you are all very cute girls, but aren't you all mormon? I did not think that you were supposed to wear such revealing swimming suits". Needless to say, I wanted to cry, die and wear a miu miu the rest of the vacation. I felt awful. Being converts and the only LDS members in their families, my parents had always tried to be very good examples of the church's teachings. And there I was, outwardly breaking one of the simplest of rules that is only there for my benefit.
As I have grown older and especially since I have dated more, I have definitely come to understand and appreciate the value of being modest. As I told my friends today, us women do not have the priesthood. But we have a HUGE responsibility to honor and respect it. Walking around half naked or in seductive outfits is not going to help that cause. It shows a disrespect towards ourselves and men. I wish that girls could understand just how big of a deal it really is. I will admit, things activities such as going to the gym, hiking, out to the beach, no I am not in sleeves and knee length shorts. Personally, I believe that there are particular clothes for such circumstances, but you should still be respectful. One of the most frustrating things is when a good guy will date a girl that always scantily clad. I know that I work hard to maintain a healthy body and sometimes I feel that I am at a disadvantage because I am not willing to reveal myself to attract men and I feel that I cannot compete with those girls. But when I asked Clarke, (the only unmarried one, yet the married men agreed wholeheartedly) what he thought when he saw a girl in a bikini or something immodest, he had the perfect response. He said "my first thought is, wow...that is a lot..of skin... but then I think, 'does this girl have no respect for herself at all?'". Of course boys are going to notice. It is a good thing that they notice a good looking body and are attracted to it. But the fact that her lack of standards outweighs the attraction to her bare physique is what matters. I was so proud of him. :)
I don't know. I am far from perfect and I would not be surprised if someone reads this and thinks that it is a bunch of bologna and me sitting on a high horse. But I just wanted to share my feelings on the subject. Thoughts??

Everything about your appearance, your speech, and your demeanor should bespeak that you are a literal spirit son or daughter of Heavenly Father. If we truly understand the significance of our bodies in our Father's plan, we will show great honor for our bodies. When you dress and act modestly, others will treat you with respect.
Dallin H. Oaks:
"Young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you." (speaking on the topic of pornography)
"Young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you." (speaking on the topic of pornography)
One of the best compliments I have received in years:
"I went to a pool party this weekend, I was going to wear my bikini, but I thought of you and decided to wear my one piece and be modest like you!"
1 comment:
thank you! i agree with you!
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