September 20, 2009

The New Sunday Post.

While working at 6 AM with my friend Sarah, (or the lack of working I should say) the topic of blogging emerged and it has sprung forth a totally brilliant idea.

What I have decided to do is each Sunday I will blog about my past week. Due to the fact that I do nothing all that interesting and have nothing of lofty importance to share, I have decided that I will write about something that I was grateful for on each day. With the upcoming task in the back of my mind all week long, I like to think that it will propel me to be more positive, observant and grateful for the little things in life. SO here we go!

Sunday: I went to my new BYU ward for the first time. While I was not completely comfortable with meeting in classrooms and participating in the renewing of covenants in the middle of the Tanner building... I realized that it could be worse. The testing center? Total anxiety. Or like the Jews during WWII...meeting in hiding, or Alma fleeing to the woods to escape death for his testimony and worship. So while it was new to me and I was a bit out of my element, I was grateful to have someplace to meet with students my age striving for the same goals in life and with their hearts centered on the Lord.

Monday: They made these new Nature Valley granola bars. They are dark chocolate, fruit and nut. I always buy the Fruit and Nut. I was leery of going astray from the familiar. But the dark chocolate ones looked so good too...well to my left I saw a wonderful box that said "New!" It was a package of 3 Chocolate Granola Bars and 3 Fruit and Nut Bars. Way to go Nature Valley.

Tuesday: Angela and I went to visit Mary. She is immobile, elderly, and blind, along with suffering from a plethora of other ailments. I am grateful to medicine today, the knowledge that we have to keep ourselves healthy and that I have been blessed with a body that doesn't make it too hard to do.

Wednesday: I chopped off 10 inches of hair. This was very traumatizing for me. Until I saw a girl that was balding. I am grateful that I have hair to cut off and friends nice enough to lie to me and tell me I'm cute.

Thursday: AHHHHH the day off. Enough said. oh wait... They have recently resurfaced the track at the high school, it was so nice and plushy! I am not much of a runner but due to my love of food, I make a valiant attempt. The fresh squishy track made this all the more bearable!

Friday: Puppies!!! Robbie and I went dog walking and it was a beautiful day out! I was in such a raunchy mood and going and playing with the dogs and chatting with him made my day!

Saturday: Hillwawee Woo. This move has been difficult for her, acclimating has proven to be a bully and very emotional. But she has helped me so much and we had the best chicken tacos... after a 3 hour coma/nap on my little twin bed.

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