September 22, 2009

ABC's on my mind.

  • A is for Adrenaline: The movie 12 Rounds was playing at the gym while I was running...I ran 2 extra miles and much faster than I usually do and didn't feel a thing!
  • B is for Borders: The Best hot cocoa ever, of which The Couples and I will be partaking of in about 3 hours...
  • C is for the The Couples: Both of my roommates are engaged to wonderful young men. It is like a constant Zoobie date at our house. I am a professional 5th wheel.
  • D is for Debt: Avoid it at all costs!
  • E is for Egg Whites: Egg whites only have 17 calories in them! Versus the full egg which has 95 calories.
  • F is for Frank: Still reading The Sportswriter and still unsure of my feelings for the main character.
  • G is for Glutes: They are a real pain to get in shape...but when they are in shape...bow chicka bow wow...
  • H is for Hair: Mine is all gone and I am still getting used to it.
  • I is for Indecision: Sometimes we have to just Decide to Decide!
  • J is for Jordan: My friend is taking the LSAT on Saturday...ew...good luck!
  • K is for is for Kimono: Thinking of going as a Geisha for Halloween...or Cleopatra, not sure yet.
  • L is for Love: I have so much love for the family, friends and things in my life that I could burst!
  • M is for Mama: We all love Nancy. Don't know where we'd be without her.
  • N is for Note Pads: I love sticky notes and note pads. I single handedly keep Post It in business.
  • O is for Obnoxious: When it is really late at night, I saw really obnoxious things..
  • P is for Pancakes: I really really want some. James... make some pancakes for me please.
  • Q is for Quarterback: Football season has begun!
  • R is for Robbie: Oh we have such good times! I really really want a puppy now and I blame him.
  • S is for Solar System: I did not know that Pluto is not really a planet anymore, I thought that was a rumor. This makes me a little bit sad. All those Solar System projects for nothing.
  • T is for Temple Recommend: Mine expired and I was so sad... time to renew! Oh and Tithing,- must pay this, always.
  • U is for Underwire: I do not like to wear bras and rarely do I. However I decided to be an adult yesterday and wear one and boy was it uncomfortable.
  • V is for Vitamins: I am taking prenatals again to make my hair grow faster. But don't take them on an empty tummy or it hurts :(
  • W is for Water: I watched a show on the Animal Planet all about underwater monsters, it was AWESOME.
  • X is for p90X: I want to do this...
  • Y is for Yulia: our tiny little Russian friend has returned to her motherland. But she was adorable and such a pleasure to get acquainted with.
  • Z is for Zack: Zack is a member of The Couples and one of the best boyfriends I have ever seen. He is so good to Angela, he's a keeper!


Hillary said...

you are so creative and fun in your blog posts! I am an avid reader.

Mily said...

Lots of fun and great things to be thankful for! Good blog post!