August 4, 2009


I love lists.

This is a list of things that I currently am liking and provide me with momentary happiness (in no particular order...just things that come to me in my insomniac state of mind).

  • getting to know Frank. He is the main character in the book I am currently reading.
  • sharing books with people.
  • going to eat when Seana is working because she brings me more lemons in my water than water.
  • statistics and random facts. (always always love this)
  • colorful flats.
  • baby's facial expressions.
  • losing weight/gaining muscle.
  • texts from Kyle, Josh, James, Kt, Dac, or Court.
  • sushi. and even better- miso happy hour sushi.
  • my red Vans.
  • talking with smart people.
  • buttons.
  • general conference talks online.
  • running at night by the temple.
  • nighties.
  • Dryer's yOgurt blends in Tart ManGo and Peach.
  • Adele.

A list of things that I kinda want:
  • Rosetta stone en francais.
  • a pilates machine i saw on an infomercial.
  • an expanded vocabulary.
  • short hair.
  • green Vans.
  • cancer free tanning.
  • a motorcycle.
  • sushi.
  • new running shoes.
  • a cardinals game.
  • a rottweiler puppy. named tiberius.
  • larger lung capacity.

1 comment:

brooketolman said...

I Love Breyers Tart Mango Frozen yogurt!! It is the best thing I've ever discovered. and i also love running by the temple and i also love sushi!!