July 26, 2009

My Quarter Life Crisis

As you can clearly gather from the title of this little rant here, I am currently at the darkest depth of my "Quarter Life Crisis".

Remember when you were a kid and your only real responsibilities were to eat your vegetables, wash your hands, not bite your siblings and to not sit too close to the TV? Other than those and few other daunting tasks, life was rather manageable. I spent my days playing outside, building forts, looking for bugs, watching Full House after a home cooked dinners, listening to my mom read books to me and falling asleep exhausted from my adventures, bronzed from the sunny day, and full from my mama's cooking.

I still have a great life. But things just aren't as simplistic as they once were. As I have aged, reading books has become homework, cooking is now a chore that I perform miserably, TV shows are mind wasting, "bronzed" means cancer and bugs are gross. I wake up, I work out because I can no longer eat whatever I want and remain skinny, I go to work because everything in my life is not paid for and I come home to an empty house and I live for my days off so I can read a book for pleasure, do laundry, clean my room and run errands.

And if I do not make some changes...that could be my life...forever. What a repulsive thought.

(I would just like to add in my moment of morose thinking: I am grateful to have food, to be able to read to have a job and to not be coming home to a cat.)

So what are my options?

1. I cannot go back to being a child, as hard as I often try...so I could continue my futile attempts to bring that stage of carefree living and untarnished ways of thinking back and be completely happy while also completely undoing any maturing that I have ever done...or I could just accept the fact that I am now an adult. Acceptance is a vital component in recovery.

2. I could be lazy and stay exactly where I am. But I would be comfortable. No over exerting myself, no instability, no real commitments.

3. Grow up, be an adult, make commitments, keep them and be serious.


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