July 26, 2009


Should I cut my hair?? I cannot decide. I really would like to save time getting ready...but cutting off a lot of hair is like losing a regenerative arm...it's hard. Opinions please!!!


Chelsea said...

I love your long hair and recently cut mine short, so I know what you mean about it being a BIG deal...I say go for it though. You look way cute with shorter hair and for me, I love changing up my look every now and then.

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm.......well you are so cute either way, shorter hair makes you look more grown up, long hair is so fun! So I guess I'm gonna go with......long hair for now!


Oriens said...

I KNOW it doesn't help to tell you that you look great with both styles... but you do. =)

I would say cut it because 1. it will make getting ready s-o-o-o much faster and 2. it grows back so in a few months, you will have long hair again. and 3. who doesn't love a new look every once in a while?

Hillary said...

it would be easier to manage if you cut it short, but I don't want you to cry after you get it cut. =)