June 2, 2011

my hyper hippocampus.

i have a lot going on inside my head. my poor brain can hardly handle it and some of it is just ridiculous. tonight when darin and i were at the store, we saw two cars parked and their front ends were touching/kissing. i spent at least 5 minutes going over all the possible names of their car baby (saturn+pontiac, endless possibilities...ended with "santiac" as my favorite).  i wish that i could make those silly thoughts stop because i think that my hippocampus is running out of space. and this shortage of data storage is adding to my everyday blunders. i just forget things. a lot of things. a lot of really, normal, not to be forgotten things...such as: 

  • how to spell. a lot of stuff- very frustrating when you love words as much as i do.
  • to say "thank you"- mama would be so embarrassed...
  • to shut off my straightener- thank you valentina for saving our apt.
  • to put gas in sally or change her oil...
  • my grocery list- but i always remember once i get there.
  • to wear makeup- fresh til' death, right?
  • to take my vitamins.
  • that i am not white- gimme a break. 
  • to reply to texts- they get lost in the pool of messages from time to time.
  • that i don't need any more shoes- even if they are on sale and just my size.
  • that not everyone cares what i think- do i forget this or just not care? i don't know either.
  • to stop eating.
  • what day it is- this has happened to everyone, i am sure.
  • where states are located.
  • that "damn" is a naughty word- and a few others that i tend to overuse.
  • how to cry- takes me a while to get into the groove.
  • to turn on the water before running the disposal.
  • that nobody's perfect.
  • my coupons.
  • that tanning will give me cancer.
  • which aisle the olives are on.
  • that friendly is often mistaken for flirty- yikes...
  • if i like shrimp or not- it always looks so good. but every time i try it, i spit it out.
  • that i might have kids one day- but first things first.
  • that emily is a mom, not just my sister and friend.
  • to wear a bra.
  • my pin #.
  • to close the blinds- really awkward...esp on those "forgot the bra" days.
  • preheat the oven.
  • make my bed.
  • my phone number- i don't call myself that often.
  • my plans...that i just made- literally. i can make a plan with someone for 3 hours out and totally forget it.
  • to dust the shelves that i cannot reach/see.
  • to separate my wants from the lord's- why can't everything i want be a righteous desire?
  • what i wore yesterday...or what i am wearing right now...
  • to go pee.
  • which one is tommy lee or tommy lee jones.
  • that i don't really need naps. but then again since i forget to sleep at night, i kinda do.
  • to stop being prideful. or refuse to stop...still figuring that one out too.
  • that i don't like cotton candy- but it just so fluffy and cute.
  • to return redbox movies- i am that sucker.
  • to not say "yeah"- so unbecoming.
  • that we are still in a war- and i have friends there. shame on me.
  • to just sit still- i am so fidgety and am always doing something.
  • that gym clothes are not always appropriate everywhere i go...well at least not to other people.
  • organic does not mean low fat or low calorie- common misconception.
  • check my pockets before doing laundry- have lost many a burts bees to the perm press cycle.
  • to keep my mouth shut.
  • check the mail.
  • that narnia is not real.
  • to ask for help. or how to. it is just uncomfortable either way. 
  • what pork is. pigs? chickens? cows? foul? i dunno. i will just stick with vegetarianism.
  • history stuff- i love learning it. but it gets so jumbled!
that is just a small portion of things that i forget (how i remembered all of them in the first place? it bothers me so much that i forget them that i have an ongoing list i add to as i remember that i forgot. i really need a hobby...). constantly. but let's not even begin to compare it to the absurd things that i do manage to remember. my grey matter is a wealth of useless knowledge. it sure keeps me entertained but doesn't really help me remember where i left my keys.

i think that i need some ginkgo. 

1 comment:

Hillary said...

oh sister, you make me laugh.