for reasons unnecessary for sharing, i owe arthur a personal blog post. or 5. and i am not allowed to delete it.
ladies and gentlemen, you all know him, sir arthur. he is my original literary buddy. the first night that we actually had together, i believe we stayed up until about 3 AM just talking about books. i was so captivated by our conversation, that i hardly noticed blake's thunderous snoring in the background. i was smitten. he has since become my book, foodie, yogi, climbing, cycling, movie, pool and whatever buddy. his best friend once told me, and i quote,
"beckie, you will never regret marrying arthur. he will be rich, we will own a private jet which you would have full access to and the man can wear the hell out of a suit."
never mess with a man and his iphone.
the other day we had a lovely afternoon discussing the ongoings of life and books. of course- books. i force fed him a copy of born to run and insisted that he would love it and must read it. this is one man that takes my book recommendations seriously.
the next afternoon, message 1: "i just read the first 2 chapters. i am really tempted to cancel my date tonight."
few hours later, message 2: "only made it 100 pages, i'm tempted to not shower before so i can just read more."
one day later, message 3 "the book was sooooooo good"
me "you already finished?!??!!!?!!"
arthur " i would have finished it last might if it had not been for the date...i had to take a break yesterday to go on a 6 mile run followed by a half mile in my barefoot ted shoes."
i think that it was about this point when i threw my hands in the air and said "fine, i will stop fighting you. i will marry you...damn it."
what can i say, the poor guy needs a green card. i have since revoked my acceptance of marriage, but i will keep him for all other purposes. and ladies, he is still single if you are interested...
this is my favorite picture of us.
this is my favorite picture of us.
sometimes he makes me really mad. and he makes way too much eye contact for my comfort. and he can outclimb me and and kick my butt in scrabble. and he can knows how to win in our battles because he is so fully aware of my flakiness, my commitment issues, my pride, my stubbornness, my feminist attitude and my inability to sit still. i am definitely the underdog in this friendship.
but he has great political views (ok ok just the same as me), chris carrabba hair, the cutest nieces and nephews, a stellar mother, a questionable best friend, flawless style, an organic garden, cool friends, an addiction to chocolate, 2 bikes, a temple recommend, several aprons, bagillions of books, the sympathy of nancy (aka my mama who also is aware of aforementioned flaws that destroy men) an eco friendly car, a brain that just blows my mind, and he thinks that i am cool.
beckie "you got a new car? so green of you"
arthur "yep. i love it. i think that i will name her rita"
beckie "ah perfect. like lovely rita?"
arthur "i didn't even have to explain :)"
so there ya go, my little brazilian bff. i hereby promise to not delete this post.
1 comment:
girl, just marry him already! Besides all the reasons you posted (which sounds like you guys already have perfect relationship) you guys would have beautiful outdoorsy
earth-friendly kids.
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