April 29, 2011

okie dokie.

this is my blog. and so i say, "hey, it's ok to..."
  • eat oreos for breakfast. or anything else that you should feel so inclined to consume at whatever time breakfast time may be for you.
  • layer nail polish because your current color is chipping or does not match and you are out of time or just too darn lazy.
  • use swimsuit bottoms for the day if you run out of panties.
  • leave your digits for the waiter/tress. why not. he/she already served you food- they know how the way to someone's heart.
  • use the sticky part of a post it when there is no scotch tape around.
  • skinny dip. become one with nature.
  • eat more than one 100 calorie pack at a time.
  • check for wedding rings immediatly.
  • be really inspired or moved by an article in the Friend or New Era... to still read the Friend or New Era.
  • take off all of the clothes that you are currently wearing while loading the washing machine because you might as well wash that outfit too.
  • use cooking spray on squeaky stuff. 
  • feel a little bit better when people say "you deserve better" even though you feel like pooh.
  • cry during a hallmark commerical. we all love being appreciated. go on, sob. let it out.
  • hang your church clothes in the bathroom while you shower so that you can skip ironing them.
  • bring snacks. everywhere.
  • have a crush on a couple.
  • consider the use of basic, everyday applicances as qualification for tech savvy. 
  • go ahead, use your hairdryer to warm up in the chilly mornings.
  • eat while you grocery shop. you will pay for it anyway. (just not the purchase by weight stuff...oops)
  • have smaller boobs than him.
  • pretend that you never got that text.
  • secretly wish that a millionaire will total your car and feel really bad about it and want to compensate you for your emotional trauma.
  • take more than 1 dinner mint.
  • dislike the hymns about sunshine.
  • go to bed early instead of party.
  • flirt with the guy at jiffy lube. works every time.
  • wear your yoga pants so much they become all purpose pants. (i stole that one from a magazine, but it is the story of my life)
  • listen to a song on repeat. as much as you want.
  • to start your "to do" list with things you have already completed.
  • cuddle up with someone just to be close to someone.
  • NOT share the share sized bags of skittles and m&ms.
  • use coupons and be excited about it.
  • sit in the mcdonalds parking lot with your laptop because your internet is not working.
  • pick out all the good fruit in salads.
  • blog about how much you love running...and then sleep in the next morning.
  • hide/shove the loads of stuff in your closet and consider your room clean. 
  • have cafe rio on your speed dial.
  • consider carrying all your groceries inside (in one trip) exercise.
  • press "0" everytime and pray you get a live person.
  • buy lingerie...i'll be married someday...
  • still wear your retainer at night. the same one you got when you were 14.
this is only the first page of my list. but please note, i did not even parenthesize explanations after each one (which i normally do...for everything bloggy). i don't need to explain. because while you may or may not agree, i say it's all gravy, baby.


Hillary said...

Hey look we are sisters, I also...

-use coupons and be excited about it.(when we save money, this is a family sharing moment)
-listen to a song on repeat. as much as you want.(I bet beckie you have justin bieber on repeat)
-to start your "to do" list with things you have already completed.
-eat while you grocery shop. you will pay for it anyway (beck, eating a pkg of oreos before you leave the store?)
-use the sticky part of a post it when there is no scotch tape around.(it doesn't work that well)
-hang your church clothes in the bathroom while you shower so that you can skip ironing them.

Hillary's Commentary
hide/shove the loads of stuff in your closet and consider your room clean. (I have seen you do this sister, it is quite amusing hahah)

sit in the mcdonalds parking lot with your laptop because your internet is not working. (you downgraded, it used to be Burger King)

use swimsuit bottoms for the day if you run out of panties.(seriously, that sounds so uncomfortable)

take off all of the clothes that you are currently wearing while loading the washing machine because you might as well wash that outfit too.(this is totally something you would do and you would hum while you do your laundry)

beckie. said...

this makes me happy and sad at the same time. happy because you know me so well and we so alike...sad that we are so far apart. i miss my squister.