April 13, 2011


i really appreciate positive people. but i should say that i also appreciate down to earth people. and i really admire those that have found the balance in being positive in all situations and realistic. i am grateful for the way that my mama raised me. there were no pity parties in our house.  if something happened, we got a,

"that is too bad and i'm really sorry that you are upset (a tiny shower of sympathy/empathy)...but (here comes the lesson part)...it's over. so what can you do better next time (of course as a teenager i felt that she was always telling me that i was in the wrong, but in hindsight i see what a great value of responsibility she taught me), it's over so no need to fester anger and dwell on it, you don't have control over everything (i still have a hard time with that one...), and so what are you going to do now?"

i have never been the most optomistic person in the world because i always wanted to be realistic and not be disappointed by anything. i think that i also fear coming off as "fake".  but i am learning more and more to be positive and to look for the good in situations and people. it allows me to find happiness no matter what is going on or what is not going my way. i may have a whine session here and there, but i know that i have complete control over how i handle situations. i am lucky enough to have some really pure hearted people in my life that are examples of this to me everyday. and i suppose with the world going up in smoke, my life is a cake walk. i am blessed.