June 14, 2010


I am sick and tired of:

1. hearing people say "we are trying to get pregnant". Especially from ugly people because I now know what they are doing every morning, lunch break and night. (good for you multiplying and replenishing the earth, but keep it to yourself if I don't know you)

2. close minded Mormons that automatically associate Going Green with being liberal and thus they are against it or just ignore it. Get informed, make your own opinions. (luckily the world ends in 2012, right?)

3. boob jobs. it is like an epidemic around here and I find it completely ridiculous and am disappointed in how quickly women cave to immodest clothing once they have boobs. 

4. self centered or inconsiderate people or people that just lie to themselves so that they can lie to others and sleep at night. (so perhaps, sometimes, I definitely, maybe, get sick and tired of myself)

but things I cannot get enough of:

1. hearing someone say "I love you", sincerely. (esp little kids... my sister's kids)

2. walks with Ang. Rock canyon, all over provo, to frozen yogurt, etc. Check out these flowers we picked from an abandoned yard yesterday:

3. Good literature. (I need more GoodReads suggestions...but Jed and Tawnya-way to go!)

4. exercise. I love it. it is SO much fun, especially in amazing, summer weather! There is biking, swimming, jumping, hiking, running, lifting, yoga... I love it all! (braggy beckie moment: finally got my body fat down to 15%s again!)

5. Hearing my family tell me how much my little niece, Anya , is just like me. Adorable but a real spit ball of fire. (i have never been so proud)


Mily said...

yeah, number one is mean.

KJA said...

too funny! although sometimes ugly people make cute babies but #3 is so true.