May 18, 2010

my friends are the coolest.

1. Angela, you all should recognize her by now, as she is girlfriend 2nd in command, ran in the Mountain West Conference and did AWESOME. And I mean, she killed it, even with a broken hamstring. Ang you are my hero.
2. Speaking of running, Mr. Stephan Shay did pretty spectacular as well at the Bay Breaker...running the huge race in San Fran, while bungee'd with 12 other stalwarts.  Now that something cool has been accomplished in SF, it is time to come back :)
3. Ty's toy store finally opened!  It was a utopia of all things nostalgic for the older ones and there were penguins, candy, choo choo's, and tons of other fun things to bring out anyone's inner child. I just wish that Bubby and Pie could have been there with me, but I got 'em a couple treasures. 
4. Dacia graduated the other week and she and Dave are in the Bahamas right now. i had not seen her in months and so it was so fun to get some Dac and Becks time before she jet set off again.  Luckily with school being FINISHED, I might see her face again soon!  But of all people (no offense Dac...) she graduated!!!!
5. A few people got engaged, 3 couples actually married,  several have been losing weight, Lily has been running, Hillary is job hunting,  J broke the APX record for installs, and G survived surgery. 

Wow, my friends are just so cool.

And I am just boring and me...but a happy me. This weekend I spent somewhat in hiding... the rest of the time I was working, running, camping, hanging out with the marrieds, hiking, reading and enjoying the sunshine. Today is ugly again, but I think that Summer is almost really here. Lily and I have put our St. George itinerary together (we are SO excited), Joel is turning me into Bobby Fisher (aka he lets me win...), work is awesome, I am plowing through The Alchemist (thank you ty roney), and I am a bronzed, happy happy girl :)

OH AND BIG PS: At 9:30PM Ang and I realized that we had a semester cleaning check- we turned up the tunes, busted out the clorox and made that place sparkle. And we passed with perfect marks, as always. We make a most excellent roomie team!

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