I did not forget my sister's birthday. I just never did her birthday post. I am sorry! But this is my older sister:
She is what every Mormon (or any woman) woman should aspire to be. No really. She does EVERYTHING. She does all the domestic stuff, the handyman chores, the wifey/lovey duties, the mama things, she is funny, smart, creative, spiritual, she puts up with me, she knows how to have fun, she blogs, she runs, and she's totally pretty. I have decided that there is no point in me ever trying to become anything in life because her perfection will always just overshadow any good that I accomplish. And then she would be totally humble about it, it's a no win for me. But this is about her anyway, so who cares.
Some of my favorite things about my sister are:
* her smile. (because I can tell if she is being real or not)
*the fact that she does not hug me. (we don't hug, it's weird)
* her hair. (long thick and dark, and grows so fast.)
* her freckles.
* her babies. (they love their mama...and me!)
* her honesty. (as brutal as it may be)
* our prego chats.
* her husband. (he changed her life, he is awesome)
* we both gang up on Hillary (bawhaha)
*her legs. (she has always had long, lean legs...grr)
* she is good at Nintendo.
* her commitment to the Savior and protecting her eternal family.
* her cooking.
* her advice
* she is bad at talking on the phone (runs in the family).
*our love for Target. (esp the $ section)
* she is cool.
There are a bagillion reasons that she drives me crazy and fifty bagillion reasons that I love her. My sisters and I were very very close when we were little, and considering our locations and life situations, I would say that we do pretty well now too. I have always had guy friends, I have never really had any real girlfriends... I didn't need to, I had my sisters!
And this is for Baby that is on it's way. I heard this song on someone else's blog. And I cannot stand Colbie Callait, but this song makes me think of Em and Baby and it was just too tender to not dedicate to her.
Me and my sister don't hug either. We both think it's awkward when we do. I'm okay with that.
Thanks for the post Beck! That is a good song!
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