And here we have my niece Anaya and my nephew Austin. If you ever want to feel loved or validated in any way, I highly recommend that you become the favorite aunt of the family (sorry Hill...but we know it's true). They are the most exhausting but wonderful little babies in the world. I cannot wait for #3 to be here this summer. It is going to be so much fun. Maybe that kid will let Hillary hold its hand... just kidding, that was mean, sorry.
It was so much fun to spend Christmas with these babies. They remind me of the good things in the world. And all the bad... when I am with them I am suddenly so much more aware of all the awful things that they could potentially be exposed to and it makes me sick. But they are tough kids with amazing parents and the best grandparents right up the street. They will be great. Besides... look at how cool their favorite aunt is!!! yeah...they're screwed. haha just kidding.
I can't tell if Anaya is picking or making a pig nose...
oh she's diggin for gold alright.
I showed ny the picture and the only one she had a hard time recognizing was herself!? She said, "Oh that's Beckie and bubs."
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