Ok, so it is not quite that bad. In fact, I would have to say that in comparison to years past, this has been a fairly mild winter. But nonetheless...it is still winter. Ew. Cold, icy, slushy... I could just use a little warmth that is not going to have the drying effects (on both skin and bank account) of an ancient heater. But I am grateful to have heat and to have hot water.
I cannot help it, I love to be warm. And the sun just makes me happy!
I cannot wait for summer for:
How cute and modest are those?! (*that is adorable Whitney Rasmussen in the PERFECT teal tankini).
I could also use a little bit of this:
The smell, the sound, the thrill of the perfect return... I would sa
y serve, but let's admit, I suck at serving.

For now I would be more than happy with:

But chances of that are slimmer than an anorexic's thigh...so I will settle for:

That's right folks, it is a Celtic's Snuggie. They are 24 - 8 even with KG and Rondo out... they deserve a snuggie...and since I am a real fan, not just a bandwagon fan, and a cold fan...I deserve one too.
Please Mr. Jimmy Dean Sunshine Man....work your magic!

1 comment:
i usually really like winter...not this year.
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