Monday: This allows me to have an online playlist that I can use for the first 4 hours of work! Often times I prefer silence, but sometimes it's nice to have the option.
Tuesday: Having your own washer and dryer- amongst the finest amenities student housing can offer. I will never go back to a laundry mat. I refuse!
Wednesday: I love Pamprin. A lot. I feel bad for women in the olden days.
Thursday: Free NIGHTS! I never talk on the phone unless it is to my family, and they can attest that even that is not usually for very prolonged periods of time. But I ended up talking to a friend for over an hour and half and it was really nice to communicate with someone without texting, facebooking, pigeons, emailing, smoke signals... etc.
Friday: My Autobot pumpkin!! Dallan came down from Bountiful and we had an amazing night and let me tell ya... put a ring in pumpkin like that, and I'm yours. Oh and Bonus: I discovered that we have a COAT CLOSET!! Not that I am OBSESSED with jackets or anything...
Saturday: Mama and dadda. Mom's saving furniture for my future married life, dad talks random environmental things with me and supports me with honesty and love. Pretty much, my parents are incredible... 

1 comment:
That is an awesome pumpkin!!!
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